Saturday 2 July 2016

View from Le Palais

Avignon's papal palace was home for 7 popes. And 2 anti-popes. 

This is a dodgy pic but it has to be here: this was the "international accounts office" for the catholic church... note the huge fire place across the whole left wall.  Secret rooms with secret floor vaults that were hidden until 1985.  One of the popes bought the city of Avignon, for 80,000 crowns from Naples.


  1. Secret rooms & massive fire places. Who would have guessed that this would be where all the accountants would be working. Or at least occupying their time. Where the secret vaults for the wine or the second set of books?

  2. LOL not for wine... contracts, money and items of "great value" apparently. I'm guessing the RC church was OK with having the wine out in the open.

  3. Maybe secrecy for the best wine.
    Interestingly, a vault in a church (other than being a strong-room) might also be a catacomb, an undercroft and a burial chamber: probably for the accountants who unwisely challenged the executive boss too frequently!
